Working with the IC 417 data

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This page is an updated version of the Working with the C-CWEL data page (and to some extent the Working with the HG-WELS data page), which was an update of the Working with the C-WAYS data page, which was an update of the Working with the BRCs page, which was an update of the Working with CG4+SA101 page, which was an update of the Working with L1688 page. This page was developed and updated specifically for the 2015 IC 417 team visit.

Please note: NONE of these pages are meant to be used without applying your brain! They are NOT cookbooks! This is presented as a linear progression because of the nature of this page, but we have already done some things "out of order", and moreover, chances are excellent that you will go back and redo different pieces of this at different stages of your work.

FOR REFERENCE: IC 417 Bigger Picture and Goals

FOR REFERENCE: IC 417 Box Disk Contents. Includes instructions on how to force your computer to read any files with an extension you don't recognize (.tbl, .reg).

Useful Positions

(just for reference)

We are studying a square that is ~1 deg on a side, centered on 5:28:00 34:30:00.

Why? (a) Because we are looking for YSOs. (b) Because Camargo says there are several clusters of young stars in this region, and so we ought to be able to find some.

Relevant links for reference: IC 417 Bigger Picture and Goals

Obtaining the imaging data

DONE but be sure you have the files you need!

Why? Need to figure out what data are in this region from which we might obtain photometry (=quantitative measures of brightness of objects) to use to look for IR excess sources.

We found imaging data for this region from WISE, 2MASS, Spitzer/IRAC (GLIMPSE), UKIDSS, IPHAS, and Jose et al. 2008, but we can only get our hands on imaging data from DSS, WISE, 2MASS, GLIMPSE, and IPHAS. We have already used FinderChart and other IRSA tools. We have already used Skyview at Goddard. We have already used ds9.

Big goal: Learn how to get images so that you can do this in the future without me.

Process: Either re-pull FITS images for yourself for our region in DSS, 2MASS, and WISE, or get them from on the Box drive. You'll need this for the next step. Bonus: Spitzer/IRAC (GLIMPSE), and IPHAS. (I don't have images for UKIDSS.)

Relevant links for reference:

Investigating the big mosaics


Why? There is astrophysics in understanding what is bright/faint in each band. Spatial resolution is going to play a role downstream.

It is "real astronomy" to spend a lot of time staring at the mosaics and understanding what you are looking at. Don't dismiss this step as not "real astronomy" just because you are not making quantitative measurements. This is time well-spent, and you should plan on investing some time doing this section. Some aspects of this were already discussed in the context of the Resolution worksheet.

Big goal: Understand what is part of the sky and what is an artifact (e.g., not part of the sky). Recognize how the images differ among the various bands, and why. (NB: this has come up during more than one telecon, which is why this task is here!) Understand (remind yourself) which survey has the lowest (worst) spatial resolution, and which has the best.

Relevant links for reference:

Process: Load the images into a viewer of your choice, ds9 or IRSA Viewer. Compare the images. Answer the questions below.

Hints and tips: You may find it helpful to make 3-color images to more directly compare images in exactly the same region. Zoom in/out. Play with color stretches to bring out detail in the images.

Questions for you:

  1. MOST IMPORTANT of these questions: Compare the mosaics across the bands. What changes? What stays the same? Why? (This is a DEEP question! See also next questions.)
  2. How does the number of stars differ across the bands? Which band has the most stars? The fewest? (Bonus question: why?) The most nebulosity? The least? (Bonus question: why?) Are there more stars in the regions of nebulosity, or less? Why?
  3. What is saturated? Are the same objects saturated in all bands? What are some other instrumental effects you can see?
  4. Notice the pixel scale. Which survey has the lowest resolution (biggest pixels)? (Bonus: is that the same as the native pixels for the survey? You will need to Google, or go back to your IC 417 Resolution Worksheet notes.)
  5. Make a three-color image. Do the stars match up? Does the nebulosity?
  6. BONUS: How big are any of the features in the image (nebulosity, galaxy, space between objects)? (What do I mean by big?) in pixels, arcseconds, parsecs, and/or light years? (Hint: you need to know how far away the thing is. If it helps, there are 3.26 light years in a parsec.)

Obtaining the catalog data and bandmerging across catalogs


Why? We need photometry (=a quantitative measure of brightness) of our sources. Others have already done photometry for us so we don't have to.

We found data for this region from WISE, 2MASS, Spitzer/IRAC (GLIMPSE), UKIDSS, IPHAS, and Jose et al. 2008. We have already used FinderChart and other IRSA tools to retrieve 2MASS and WISE (and Spitzer) catalogs.

Big goal: Learn how to get catalogs so that you can do this in the future without me. Understand what bandmerging is and why we do it.

Relevant links for reference:

The process of merging the bands across catalogs is called "bandmerging." I did this for you because it would be a GIGANTIC pain in Excel, or (worse) by hand.

Process (What I did):

  1. Download catalogs from these sources over our region.
  2. Using a computer, load in catalogA. Then, for each of the sources in catalogB, metaphorically sit on each source in catalogB and look for a match in catalogA. If I find a match, associate those sources. If I do not find a match, sometimes I added the entire source to the catalog, and sometimes I just dropped it. (There are a LOT of sources here, many we do not care about, so having each and every source in here is less important than it might be.)
  3. Now have catalogA+catalogB. Do same for each source in catalogC, such that I merge in catalogC with catalogA+B. Repeat for catalogC, etc.
  4. Given ensemble catalog, look for matches with Xavier's list of interesting sources. Tag them in the database.
  5. Repeat for Jose et al. 2008 Halpha stars, OB stars, and IPHAS' list of Halpha stars.

After this process, I have about 29,000 objects in a master catalog, about 200 of which we care about. Remember that we are interested in the ENTIRE set of {things Xavier tagged as possibly young from the AllWISE catalog} PLUS {things Xavier tagged as possibly young from his own PhotVis reprocessing of the WISE data} PLUS {things Jose et al. tagged as Halpha stars} PLUS {things Meyer & Macak tagged as OB stars} PLUS {things IPHAS tagged as bright in Halpha}.

Previously identified sources


Why? Others have gone before us, and it pays to learn from them rather than reinvent the wheel.

Big goal: Understand what has already been studied and what hasn't in the region we care about.

Relevant links for reference: How can I find out what scientists already know about a particular astronomy topic or object? and I'm ready to go on to the "Advanced" Literature Searching section

Process (what we did before):

  1. Search ADS, SIMBAD.
  2. Identify literature of relevance.
  3. Read literature.
  4. Extract from it the data we care about.
  5. For data tables of sources obtained via non-electronic detectors (even some electronic detectors), assess how good the positions are. Can we blindly match these sources to the ensemble catalog (which has positions better than an arcsec)?
  6. If not, use FinderChart to investigate each source by hand to 'correct' its position to be one that can be merged blindly with the rest of the catalog.
  7. Then, merge in the literature observations (in this case, optical multiwavelength catalog from Jose et al for everything they detected), and conclusions about objects (in this case, list of Halpha stars from two places, list of OB stars in essence from 2 places).
  8. Tag the interesting objects as interesting in the database so we can find them again.

Process (what to do now) and questions:

  1. Load in one of the big images of your choice into ds9 or IRSA Viewer.
  2. Get the regions file that has all the literature sources and overlay them. Where are they in the image?
  3. Get the regions file that has all the "sources in which you are interested" and overlay them. Where are they in the images? (Heads up Garrison -- this is here at your request!)
  4. Get the regions file that has the cluster locations from Camargo et al. and overlay them. Can you see the clusters their computer found? They looked in 2MASS, so you may wish to look in JHK to see if you can find them by eye. Looking in WISE is also useful -- are they apparent there?

Data Tables (part 1) and Color-Color and Color-Magnitude Diagrams (part 1)


Why? Xavier found sources with YSO-like colors by making a bunch of CMDs and CCDs and selecting objects from these diagrams. It behooves us to get a sense of what he did. (And, we will need to make more CMDs/CCDs downstream.)

Big goal: Learn how to manipulate data tables using IRSA Viewer for now (because it's easier for a quick plot and because it handles 29,000 sources more elegantly than Excel does). Make some of the plots Xavier made when he selected 'interesting' sources. Do our plots look like his from his paper?

Relevant links for reference:

Process: Go get a WISE catalog for our region. Look at the data tables and Xavier's paper to identify what you should plot. Make some plots that he made and see how our region compares to the regions he used in his most recent paper.

Advice and Hints: Remember that a plain star should have zero infrared color for basically any combination. (At least, it is 0 as long as the color is (shorter wavelength) minus (longer wavelength) !) You may find that W3-W4 is notably NOT zero for rather a lot of objects, because the only objects seen at W3 or W4 at the distances we are talking about here are the ones notably bright at W4, so they all are brighter than plain stars at W4. This is going to be a different morphology than a, IRAC color-color diagram (I1-I2 vs I3-I4 plot), where a much larger number of sources are seen, and a large fraction of those are plain stars. This gave me heart failure during the 2012 summer visit until I realized this. YSO candidates are bright and red, generally. There are other CMDs you can try. After we include some optical data, there will be even more CMDs we can try.

Specific questions/tasks for you: In his paper, Xavier was not using our region. His plots WILL look different than ours. But can you find points from IC417 that are in the same region as the YSOs in Xavier's plots?

  1. His fig 2 has w1-w2 on the y axis and w2-w3 on the x axis. Make this plot in IRSA Viewer. Do we have objects in the same place as the YSOs?
  2. His fig 4,left is the same, but it doesn't look much like ours. Why?
  3. His fig 4,right has w1 on the y axis and w1-w3 on the x axis. Make this plot in IRSA Viewer. Do we have objects in the same place as the YSOs?
  4. BONUS: Keep going. Do our versions of his plots look like his? Why or why not?

Image Inspection


Why? OK, we've picked sources based on color (or, rather, Xavier did). Are they all really point sources?? (Do you believe what the computer is telling you?)

Big goal: For each of the sources in which we are interested (= Xavier's sources plus the literature YSOs), are they really point sources in the images? Will you believe the computer if it says that there is a detection there, especially at 22 um?

Relevant links for reference: FinderChart

Process (what we already did):

  1. Assemble list of sources in which we are interested from work above.
  2. Feed list to FinderChart and load POSS, 2MASS, and WISE images. Watch the size of the images you retrieve.
  3. Inspect each image. Is it really there at all bands? Is it a point source? Remember the reason that the source is on the list in the first place. (This is encoded in the stuff I gave you.) I expect a source that Xavier selected to have some WISE data. Stars that are Halpha-selected may in fact NOT be detected in WISE.
  4. Since we are looking for IR excesses, what the image looks like in 2MASS and WISE is the most important. It may well not be there in POSS, but that won't affect our SEDs because (a) we aren't using photometry from POSS, and (b) the optical images we have (or more precisely, the catalogs) go deeper than POSS.
  5. For each source, check and see if we all agree. Ideally, reconcile differences, but this may be best done in concert with SED assessment in a few steps.

Data Tables (part 2)


Why? For each of the sources we care about, we need to make SEDs so that we can decide if these sources have IR excesses. Getting data tables into Excel is the first step in that process.

Big goal: Get my data tables into Excel so you can make SEDs!

Relevant links for reference: YouTube video on what tbl files are, how to access them, and specifically how to import tbl files into xls. (10min)

Process: Get "workingcatalog-interesting" into Excel.

Hints and Advice: Note that many data tables come with many, many, many lines (like more than 100) at the top explaining what the contents of the file are. These are useful for keeping with the file (like a FITS header is useful to keep with the image), but when reading it into Excel, you may wish to delete all but a note to yourself about what the file is, and the headers of the data columns themselves.

I made a catalog which has all the photometry for just the ~200 sources in which we are interested. It's useful (as before) to keep track of why the sources are in the list. Values for the "whyhere" column are combinations of 2-letter codes:

  • xp = xavier found it from PhotVis processing (x=Xavier, p=PhotVis)
  • xw = xavier found it from the allWISE processing (x=xavier, w=wise)
  • ha = Jose et al found it (and you corrected the positions for it) because it is an Halpha star (ha=Halpha)
  • ih = IPHAS tagged it as bright in Halpha (=possibly young)
  • ob = Meyer & Macak found it (and you corrected the positions for it) because it is an OB star (ob=OB)
  • cs = Carbon star.

You will find some like 'xpxwha', which means Xavier found it in both of his processings (xp,xw), *and* it is an Halpha star (ha). There are many that have just one code.

  • CAUTION 1: There are several files from me with everything in the region (long) and files with just the things in which we are interested (short) -- meaning the literature-identified plus the new Xavier-identified.
  • CAUTION 2, AND THIS ONE'S A BIGGIE: These catalog files generally have a mixture of detections and limits, measurements and errors, flux densities and magnitudes. You will need to be careful in importing this into Excel. The data are all Vega mags; some have errors and some have limits.

Making SEDs


Why? For each of the sources we care about, we need to make SEDs so that we can decide if these sources have IR excesses. Let's do this!

WARNING: lots of math and programming spreadsheets (You may have already have developed some of these skills via the shortlist of stuff I sent in April. If not, this is the time to learn!) here... you WILL do this more than once to get the units right!

Big goal: Understand how to convert magnitudes back and forth to flux densities. Understand what an SED is and why it matters.

Relevant links for reference:

Process: Program a spreadsheet to convert between mags and flux densities. Make at least one SED yourself. Even if you don't get to the point of making SEDs, make sure you understand how to get the fluxes from the magnitudes. This is not easy to do right the first time, so you will get the wrong answer the first few times you try.

We will ultimately need to make SEDs for everything, but for purposes of this example, let's work with these three objects off the first few on our shortlist: 052532.00+345835.7, 052532.08+345815.2, 052532.62+344000.0. Start with just one. You will ultimately plot log (lambda*F(lambda)) vs log (lambda) -- see the Units page. It will take time to get the units right, but once you do it right the first time, all the rest come along for free (if you're working in a spreadsheet). Spend some time looking at the SEDs. Look at their similarities and differences. Identify the bad ones, and discuss with the others why/whether to drop them off the list of YSO candidates. See also stuff above about data at other wavelengths, and include literature/archival data from other sources where appropriate and possible. Make sure to keep careful track of those things that are limits rather than detections.

Another try at explaining:

  • What do you have? UBVRIriHalpha, JHK, WISE, Spitzer data in Vega mags.
  • What do you need to get? everything into Jy, which are units of Fnu -- look up how to convert between mags and flux density (Units page and Central wavelengths and zero points). Then convert your Fnu in Jy into Fnu in cgs units, ergs/s/cm2/Hz, so multiply by 10^-23. Then convert your Fnu into Flambda in cgs units, so multiply by c/lambda^2, with c=2.99d10 cm/s and lambda in cm (not microns!). Then get lambda*Flambda by multiplying by lambda in cm. Plot log (lambda*Flambda) vs. log (lambda).
  • Once you make your first SED correctly, the rest are easy. But that first one is hard.
  • Then you need to look through each of the SEDs and decide which look like you expect, which need photometry to be checked, and which seem unlikely to be legitimate YSOs. This is a judgement call, and your judgement will improve with time as you gain some experience.

You can do all of this in one massive spreadsheet such that you do the calculations for all ~200 SEDs at once. This is the power of Excel. Or, you can make one at a time. (You will probably need to plot one at a time anyway, because stupid Excel.) You can start from the Excel you yourself created in the prior task, or from mine. Your call.

Questions for you:

  1. What do the IR excesses look like in your plots? Do they look like you expected? Like objects in Monday's ppt or elsewhere?
  2. If you made all the SEDs at once: For comparison, find these objects and look at their SEDs: 052743.28+343156.5 052839.40+344008.5. Do you expect them to have a large excess based on [3.4]-[22]? What do they look like? Why are we considering these objects?

Assessing SEDs

Why? Now that you've made some SEDs, we need to next look at them with a critical eye. They will not all be clean and neat. We will need to fold in information learned from the image assessments.

Big goal: Understand what to expect in a YSO SED and how to discard objects for having questionable SEDs (or put them on the list for checking source matching, photometry, etc).

Relevant links for reference:

Process: Examine the SEDs for all of our candidate objects. Use them to further evaluate the quality of the YSO candidates from the YSO candidate list. Combine with notes from the image assessment (or redo image assessment on the fly) to decide if each is a good candidate.

Get the file with all the SEDs in it from me. We will do the first 9 as a group, but then you should work as a team and go through each of the objects and make notes about what you see. Does it look like a YSO SED? Does it look like the data weren't tied to the correct source or there were spatial resolution problems? Discuss with your partner about whether or not you believe each source, and why. Do you believe each point in the SED? If not, why not? Don't forget to compare your notes on SEDs with notes on images (e.g., if you decide it is "iffy" in images AND "iffy" in SEDs, chances are excellent that it is not a good candidate). Keep good notes on this!

By this point, you will have a set of objects in which we are interested, and you should have (will have) notes on each of the objects, obtained from the image check and the SED check. Collate all of these such that you can tag objects as "unlikely to be real YSOs", or "literature YSOs (that may or may not have a disk)", or "still surviving as new YSO candidates".

CMDs and CCDs, part 2

Now we have more information on our interesting objects -- we have a shorter list of the sources we believe in. We also have more data than just WISE, or even just WISE+2MASS, so we should use it to refine our list of true YSO candidates vs. junk.

By this point you should have a list of things that have survived tests.

Make a WISE color-mag diagram such as one of the ones you made earlier, but this time do it in Excel. Overplot the survivors of the image and SED tests on this diagram. Where do they fall? Are they where you expect them to be? You may wish to plot the WISE data for *everything* and then just overplot the interesting ones. Or you may wish to just plot the interesting ones, and look at WISE plots for comparison. Tag any of the survivors as less likely if they aren't where they should be.

Repeat for 2MASS color-color and color-mag diagrams.

We have optical data for a lot of these objects. You can make several different possible optical CMDs and see if the "literature YSOs (that may or may not have a disk)" and "still surviving as new YSO candidates" fall in the 'right place' in these diagrams. For context, you could take all the optical data we have for all the objects in the region and plot r vs r-i from the IPHAS data. Overplot the survivors on this diagram. Are they where they should be (above the ZAMS)? Do this again, but for r-Halpha vs. r-i. Are the survivors where they should be (substantially above the unreddened main sequence locus)? Tag any of the survivors as less likely if they don't meet these criteria.

Analyzing SEDs

Add a new column in Excel to calculate the slope between 2 and 8 microns in the log (lambda*F(lambda)) vs log (lambda) parameter space. This task only makes sense for those objects with both K band and IRAC-4 detections. (For very advanced folks: fit the slope to all available points between K and IRAC-4 or MIPS-24. How does this change the classifications, if at all?)

  • if the slope > 0.3 then the class = I
  • if the slope < 0.3 and the slope > -0.3 then the class = 'flat'
  • if the slope < -0.3 and the slope > -1.6 then class = II
  • if the slope < -1.6 then class = III

These classifications come from Wilking et al. (2001, ApJ, 551, 357); yes, they are the real definitions (read more about the classes here)!

  1. How many class I, flat, II and III objects do we have?
  2. Where are the objects with infrared excesses located on the images? Are all the Class Is in similar sorts of locations, but different from the Class IIIs?

For very advanced folks: suite of online models from D'Alessio et al. and suite of online models from Robitaille et al.. Compare these to the SEDs we have observed.

references again

IMPORTANT: when we are done with all of this, at the end of the process, for the sources we have settled on as 'interesting', we should get into SIMBAD and search for each of our sources, just to get another handle on whether or not anyone has done anything on them before -- because there just might be something else already identified in the literature.

Putting this in context a little: Methodology

Big picture goal: Understand how what we did is different than what Jose et al. (2008) did with the data to find young stars.

Here and now: Knowing what you do now, go back and reread Jose et al. (2008). Make a detailed comparison of our method for finding young stars and that from the Jose et al. paper.

Relevant links for reference: How can I find out what scientists already know about a particular astronomy topic or object? and I'm ready to go on to the "Advanced" Literature Searching section.

Questions for you:

  1. What are the steps (cookbook-style) that Jose et al. used to find YSOs?
  2. What were our steps?
  3. How are they different?
  4. Did we recover all of the young stars identified in the literature? Some will not have IR excesses, so those will not be recovered by an IR-based color selection.

Putting this in context a little: Science

Goal: put our work in context with other literature and other star-forming regions from the literature.

How many YSOs with IR excess did we see? How many literature YSOs did not have IR excesses? Do we have any evidence that the YSOs from the literature are not actually YSOs? How many new YSOs did we see? What is the fraction of Class I/flat/II/III? Where do they fall on the sky, e.g., can we see things that are likely to be members of the clusters that Camargo et al. laid out?

Writing it up!

Goal: We need to write an AAS abstract and then the poster, and if we're lucky, a paper!

We need to include:

  1. How the data were taken.
  2. How the data were reduced.
  3. What the IR properties are of the previously identified YSOs here, in context with other observations from the literature.
  4. What the IR properties are of the new sources we have found, including objects you think are new YSOs (or objects you think are not), and why you think that.
  5. How this region compares to other regions observed with Spitzer or WISE.

Take inspiration for other things to include from other papers on star-forming regions in the literature.