CG4 Summer visit
From CoolWiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchThe CG4 team will be visiting IPAC from June 14-16.
Travel instructions and guidelines
media:travelinstructionssummer2010.txt-- Luisa's long email with travel instructions
Travel dates/times and other logistics
Some people might be interested in coming out early to sightsee the prior weekend...? (you have to pay extra expenses)
Specific (proposed or actual) flights.
Chelen Johnson | TBD |
Vivian Hoette | TBD |
Kevin McCarron | TBD |
Carolyn Mallory | lives in the area; will stay at group's hotel mon & tues nights. |
How many students?
Chelen Johnson | TBD |
Vivian Hoette | TBD |
Kevin McCarron | TBD |
Carolyn Mallory | TBD |
Does anyone not have a laptop? (really, you need one, so i will need to scavenge if anyone doesn't have one.)