IC 417 Box Disk Contents

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I have set up a disk in the cloud (through a service called "Box", as in box.com) on which I can distribute data for our visit. See me for the link (I don't want to link it in here directly).

Nearly all of the files I make for you are plain text. If they do not have an extension like .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, then they are most likely plain text. Some of the extensions have real meanings -- like .tbl is an IPAC table file, and .reg is a ds9 regions file. PARTICULARLY IF YOU HAVE A WINDOWS MACHINE, it is quite possible that your computer won't know what to do with those files. TO TRICK IT, just change the extension to be .txt. To be safe, and keep track of the "parentage" of the file, I would add rather than swap the extension, e.g., change "ysos.reg" to be "ysos.reg.txt" so that you can view the file using any text editor, but that you as a human remember that the file is really a regions file to be read and used by ds9. (And then, of course, you will subsequently need to convince ds9 that it really is a regions file!)

If it is red, you absolutely need it!

subdirectory contents and notes
proposal The final proposal, in docx and pdf formats. Camargo fig 19 here too, as a separate file, for reference.
papers All sorts of literature papers for reference. (From our initial literature searches.) Find Xavier's paper (2014apj791_131Koenig.pdf) and be sure you have it!
WavelengthCheatsheet.docx Cheatsheet for wavelength and terminology. Also see Central wavelengths and zero points on the wiki.
mosaics Several big mosaics, FITS format, for:
  • 2MASS -- cropped6deg1asec* = cropped out of IRSA's new 6 degree mosaics, 1 arcsec resolution; skyview* = from Skyview
  • GLIMPSE -- does NOT cover whole region, but is representative of the GLIMPSE mosaics
  • IPHAS -- does NOT cover whole region, but is representative of the IPHAS mosaics
  • POSS -- big POSS mosaics from FinderChart
  • WISE -- big WISE mosaics from FinderChart (fc*) and Skyview (skyview*)
original catalogs All the original catalogs I downloaded, prior to merging, from all of the data sources. This is mostly for reference.
catalogs Catalogs merged across wavelengths!
  • justobjectpositions = various version of name, ra, dec -- IPAC Table File for searching in FinderChart, long ds9 regions files, etc.
  • mergedimageassessments*xls = combined notes from image assessment.
  • seds*pdf = SEDs of all our objects of interest
  • template SED assessments.xlsx = Excel file into which you and your partner should enter SED assessments.
  • textdumpsofdb = for reference, a plain text dump of everything in my database. (ugly!)
  • workingcatalogs = catalogs we will actually use this week!
    • advanced = for some of the 'bonus' tasks
    • workingcatalog-all.tbl = table file of all 20,000 sources in the catalog, all photometry in mags (no data = blank)
    • workingcatalog-all-9.tbl = table file of all 20,000 sources in the catalog, all photometry in mags (no data = -9) -- use this to upload to IRSA Viewer! it's a 100% compliant IPAC table.
    • workingcatalog-interesting.tbl= table file of the 200 interesting sources, all photometry in mags (no data = blank) (USE THIS FOR TASK 6!)
    • workingcatalog-interesting-9.tbl= table file of the 200 interesting sources, all photometry in mags (no data = -9)
    • workingcatalog-interesting.xlsx = Excel file, ready-to-go, for SED creation -- all photometry, all sources (3 for Task 7 are in red)
    • baremininumforSEDcreation.xlsx = Excel file, ready-to-go, for minimum SED creation task
regionsfilesforTask5 All the regions files needed for Task 5 on the Wiki workbook