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Revision as of 16:29, 22 February 2021

I've had requests for a sinusoidal light curve to play with. I’ve attached the K2 light curve from HHJ206 (known also as EPIC 211053678), which is located at 034316.59+235001.6. It’s ~140 pc away. It’s an M star. I’ve also attached a color-magnitude diagram (black is Pleiades member with a K2 light curve, grey is likely non-member, red star is this one) and an SED (I can give you all the symbol definitions if you really want, but it’s sdss u through wise 2 detections, with limits in w3w4. I’m also attaching a plot of the light curve, its power spectrum, and the phased light curve. The data file has time (bjd), flux. This star most likely has a big spot or spot group rotating into and out of view, hence the sinusoidal light curve. I get P= 0.77027 days. Oh, and note that there are only really upward excursions. Those are flares. There’s one relatively big flare at about 50 days into the campaign.