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Tutorial 1: Overview of Programming

Presents the basic concepts of programming for newbies.

Tutorial 2: Data, Variables and Math operators

An introduction to the python interpreter, variables and types of data they store. Using math functions and python as a calculator.
  • Evaluate the square root of 10.1*10.2 + 15.3*15.4
  • What happens when you add two string variables together?
  • Create a numpy integer array of values from 0 to 100, incrementing in steps of 2
  • Create a numpy floating-point array of 101 elements that range in value from 0.0 to 1.0
  • Perform the following operations (in order) on the previous array: trignometric cosine, multiply by 1000.0 and convert it to integer format.
  • Find the minimum and maximum value of the resulting array in previous exercise.
  • Find the sum total of all elements of the resulting array.
  • What is the length of the array 'a' created by the following numpy command: a = np.zeros( int(np.sqrt(np.pi*100)+3.) )?
  • What is the data type of the array 'a' in the previous exercise?
  • Create an array 'x' of size 20 with floating point values between 1 and 20. Create a second array 'y' of size 20 with floating point values between 1 and 20. These represent the (x,y) coordinate values of 20 objects on a Cartesian grid. Calculate the distance between a point at (2.5,7.8) and all (x,y) pair objects, and store the resulting distance values in a variable 'dist'.
  • Create a 2-Dimensional numpy array of size 15 columns X 17 rows filled with zeros. Set the middle column to 10. Set the last five rows to 20.