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Convert between magnitudes and flux density in Jy: http://coolwiki.ipac.caltech.edu/index.php/Units
To convert between magnitudes and flux density in Jy, use Equation 2 from: http://coolwiki.ipac.caltech.edu/index.php/Units
F(Vega) is the zero-point flux listed in the table above.
==Spitzer Apertures and Aperture corrections==
==Spitzer Apertures and Aperture corrections==

Latest revision as of 22:46, 28 August 2013

Spitzer photometry

Spitzer zero points
Wavelength Zeropoint (Jy)
IRAC 3.6 280.9
IRAC 4.5 179.7
IRAC 5.8 115.0
IRAC 8.0 64.9
MIPS 24 7.17

To convert between magnitudes and flux density in Jy, use Equation 2 from: http://coolwiki.ipac.caltech.edu/index.php/Units F(Vega) is the zero-point flux listed in the table above.

Spitzer Apertures and Aperture corrections

For MIPS: http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/SPITZER/docs/mips/mipsinstrumenthandbook/50/
For IRAC: http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/SPITZER/docs/irac/iracinstrumenthandbook/28/#_Toc296497400