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== '''New Young Star Candidates in CG4 and Sa101''' ==
The introduction to this paper also has some very good background about the Gum Nebula and the stellar formation mechanisms thought to apply within it.  Previous studies by Reipurth and Pettersson are summarized, with a conclusion that stars associated with the Cometary Globule 4 (CG4) and Sa 101 are associated with the Gum Nebula. The distances to all considered objects are uncertain; the distances vary from 300 to 500 pc.  The extrema of the distance estimates were tested, though the results are not strongly dependent on distance. The region contains previously identified young stars, so it is likely that there are more young stars of lower mass or more embedded than those previously discovered.
The data sections, like the other two papers summarized, are highly technical and summarizing all the details doesn’t seem fruitful beyond this very minimal overview.  More detailed reading should be the way to get more detail about the data analysis.
For the IRAC data, two exposures were taken with three dithers per position. The two observational locations were reduced independently even though they overlap on the sky.  Some of the very bright stars in the filed of view had instrumental effects that rendered the data very difficult to work with. There is quite a bit of detailed description of calibration technique, correlation and photometry and error reduction methods.
The MIPS 24 and 70 micron data were combined. The 24-micron data were affected by the bright objects and required additional processing. The background levels between the two observations were problematic, and a description of how this was addressed was discussed. Optimized data reduction to obtain brighter source measurements led to many sources fainter than the bright sources in the image being excluded from the catalog because the scientific goals are aimed at brighter objects. There is a good, technical justification of the filtering choices made to process the data.
The optical data used the observed Landolt (1992) standard stars of two or three fields several times per night for photometric calibration. For each target, aperture photometry was performed using multiple size apertures. There is a discussion of the correction used for a noticeable variation of the point-spread function (PSF) that is location dependent on the CCD.
The bandmerging of the photometric data was first merged from all four IRAC channels with the near IR 2MASS data for each observation.  This was then merged together with the source lists from each observation.  The MIPS data was then included, and then the optical data was merged. A very detailed discussion of how this was done follows.
YSO candidate properties are discussed in the subset of optical, near IR, B-band and SEDs. Optical data can greatly aid in the confirmation or refutation of YSO candidacy because they provide constraints on the Wien side of the SED.  Objects with optical data that have already been ruled out as SOs based on the IRAC properties are all well below the 30 Myr isochrones scaled to 500 pc. Deeper optical data are desirable to obtain magnitude estimates for the remaining YSO candidates. The degree of reddening is difficult to estimate because the spectral types for most of the sources are not available. The candidates have infrared excess with a moderate degree of reddening.  Young stars that are actively accreting from their circumstellar disks can have excess UV emission in the U or B bands or longer. These bands are also the most sensitive to reddening. Figure 13 is discussed with respect to mass accretion.  The coordinates of the YSOs are listed in Table 1. The SEDs of the 22 YSO candidates are displayed in figures 14  - 16.  A spectral type of MO was assumed for the remaining objects. A redden model of each object is shown and normalized to the Ks band where possible. These are presented as a guide to the eye rather than a robust fit to the object to allow the immediate IR excesses to be immediately apparent. There is quite a bit of more technically detailed description of the properties in the SEDs section than is summarized here.
There is a galaxy, ESO 257 – G 019 that is mentioned because it appears in the observation field. It has not been studied, and some basic astrometric data about it is listed.
In conclusion, 6 previously identified young stars were rediscovered. There are 16 new YSOs that were discovered and evaluated with ground-based data in the near IR from 2MASS to constrain the SEDs of the candidates. The new young star candidates were graded into confidence groups.  Additional data will be needed, such as optical photometry where it is missing and optical spectroscopy to obtain spectral types.

Latest revision as of 16:35, 6 May 2012

Getman 2006 X-Ray Study of Triggered Star Formation and Protostars in IC 1396N

An observation of IC 1396N with Chandra, so X-ray light. How long (total time) was the observation? 30 ks = 30 kilo seconds = 30,000 seconds = 500 min = 8.33 hours - Is this a long observation? I got the impression from the reading that it was short.

Intro - What will be useful in this section for us?

The cometary globule this study looks at is BRC 38?

Nice list of indicators of star formation in IC 1396N. Things we should know about

-IRAS source 21391 +5802

-H2O masers

-molecular outflows

-HH flows

-clusters of IR embedded sources

-radio mm portostars

Explanation of RDI - easy to understand. Explanation of why an x-ray study - I was surprised. Didn't think about magnetic fields being active in YSO.

"2.1 - 2.3 Chandra Observation & Source List - The meat for us!"

The most important things here are the tables and figures. Locations given for the found sources and correlations to 2MASS. Will we eventually understand what each of these columns mean?

2.1 - Interesting that 8 corrections were made to the data. EIGHT pg 317-8 Data reduced to 117 point sources (listed in table 1); 66 of those correlated with 2MASS; 5 newly identified

Sections 3, 4 & 5 - Interesting things about IC 1396N

3.1-3.4 Data reduced to sources coming from star formation. 25 sources are probable members of the globule. Sources classified as class 0, I, II, III.

4.1- 4.3 It was interesting that there was flaring going on. Are YSO variable in the their light output, like a variable star? 4.3 was hard to understand. I have to sort out wavelengths and energies associated with each em light band.

5.1-5.3 Figure 10 a - This is a great picture of results of using different types of observations and even of resolution. Why correlation with other studies is needed. Figure 10 c - Source 66 and 68 are so much brighter than the others. Interesting. It was also interesting that #66 is the brightest x-ray object in IC 1396N. What does it mean that it is 'one of the most heavily absorbed sources'?


1. Does this symbol mean of the Sun? M⊙ = mass in relation to the Sun?

2. What is IMF - initial mass function? pg 328, last full paragraph

3. What is MedE? pg 331 5.2

4. What is intervening column density? pg 332 5.3 2nd paragraph

5. What is extinction? pg 332 5.3 3rd paragraph

"Section 6 & 7 - Science questions and summary"

Section 6 pulls the info from the study into the larger science questions - What do these results say about triggered star formation and the two initiation methods mentioned? It seems that RDI (radiation driven implosion) is supported.

I like section 7's summary. Easy to understand and I like the list of classifications of the 25 YSO.

Beltran 2009 The stellar population and complex structure of the bright-rimmed cloud IC 1396N

This article discusses the structure of this cloud and gives positions of everything it talks about. 18 pages worth of tables! Their conclusions are also different than the previous paper about star formation.

I found it interesting that individual sources we read about in the previous article have been resolved into several sources by the time this one was written.


1. They mention that bluer YSO mean older and redder are younger -- this is opposite of main sequence stars

2. What is on source images and off sources images? Why do you do this? this is to try and adjust for background light

The images went through 5 set of corrections or adjustments before photometry

3.2 The authors conclude not all star formation is triggered star formation in this cloud. Then what else is there?

3.3.1 All this info about H2 knots. Dense material. Does the red and blue shift indicate spinning? No, it is looking at a jet face on but not perpendicular

3.3.2 H2 flows are complicated. A lot of assumptions are made.

4. 736 sources found in all three bands - J, H K' 128 sources found only in HK' 67 sources found only in K' 79 sources found only in JH

Different conclusions from Getman. An age gradient is not found in the south-north direction of the globule; not all star formation in globule is by triggered star formation. NO alternative method given.