Working with L1688

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There are a LOT of things on this Wiki, very few of which are arranged linearly. The Wiki is a web, after all, so there are links interwoven all over the place. However, we do realize that this can be frustrating for new users, so here is a single analysis chain, start to finish, with the products already done so that you can step into and out of the process as you want or need.

Download the tarball with all my reduced images and data tables here.

Downloading the data

Go here and follow the tutorial to investigate what observations exist and download the data. Search on L1688. Find the AORs, download the IRAC and MIPS mosaics. The data I'm using for this example are all from pid 177, but you should investigate the coverage of the other programs too.

It turns out, though, that L1688 is part of the c2d Legacy program (pid 177 is part of that), so you may also wish to consult the page on already-reduced Spitzer data.

Making the mosaics

Go here and follow the tutorial to make the mosaics from the post-BCD pieces you have downloaded.

Mosaics from all 4 IRAC channels and 2 of the 3 MIPS channels are included in the tarball above if you wish to short-cut this process.

Getting images at other wavelengths

Go here and follow the tutorial to find data (images and data tables) at other wavelengths. Think about the questions at the end of that page as they pertain to these data.

A POSS image is included in the tarball above if you wish to short-cut this process. Reduced photometry from 2MASS is included in the data tables as well.

Investigating the mosaics

Go here and follow the tutorial (or use your own software) to explore the Spitzer mosaics as well as the mosaics at other wavelengths. Think about the questions at the end of that page as they pertain to these data.

Look for image artifacts in the mosaics - they are certainly still there. What are real features of the sky and what is a feature of the instrument and/or reduction?

Previously identified sources

How many of these sources are 'famous' and how many are new that you have just discovered?

Go here and follow the tutorial to explore the literature. ( Move on to these examples and questions when you're ready.) Find some old and some recent papers on L1688. For how many decades have people been studying this region? Find some of the famous objects in your images. Note that this is a pretty famous region, so it's doubtful that you will easily be able to construct a list of ALL the famous objects in this region in a short time, even using SIMBAD. Keep in mind too that people work in different coordinate systems. A paper reporting on radio data may have a slightly different coordinate system than Spitzer (which is tied to 2MASS). You will have to use your judgment to decide if any given object is really the same as the object in the Spitzer image, or if the Spitzer image didn't really detect the object.