C-CWEL Useful Links

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Star formation background information

General overview of star formation -- textbooks, overview articles, good things for general knowledge.

Studying Young Stars - wiki page on this. lots of interwoven links to other good stuff on the wiki.

Luisa's tutorial on star formation from cool cosmos - soon to be removed, sigh.

Luisa's blog posting on the 'story of star formation' (very similar text!)

Notes from a U of Oregon lecture on star formation ... not as good as Luisa's lecture notes but a good launching point ... http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/ast122/lectures/lec13.html

A more detailed explanation of Star Formation from a textbook. There's more math here than we'll need. File:SF.pdf --CJohnson 11:05, 1 February 2011 (PST)

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WISE data

Tutorial on getting WISE data from Berkeley

Overview information on the WISE mission, including links to a paper model

Previous Teams' pages

Several of the things we will be doing are similar, and several will be different.

IC 2118 Current Research Activities (2004-2008), Lynds Clouds Current Research Activities (2008), CG4 Current Research Activities (2010), BRC Current Research Activities (2011), and C-WAYS Current Research Activities.

Also see